Letter: Vote for Grangenois-Thomas and Allen on March 15

Fellow Port Chester voters, I encourage you to use at least two of your votes on Mar. 15 for Joan Grangenois-Thomas and John Allen. 

Letter: Vote for John Allen for Trustee

I am writing to enthusiastically support John Allen for Trustee. John has the commitment, experience and the motivation to be an excellent member of the Board. 

Letter: Vote yes for Joan Grangenois-Thomas, a true voice for our community

Please join us in support of Joan Grangenois-Thomas for Board of Trustees. This wonderful village of ours has faced some incredible challenges in recent years: budgetary constraints, overdevelopment, voting representation and access, weather-related disasters, and of course the COVID pandemic. 

Letter: Vote for Joan, John and Phil

Port Chester is at a critical moment in time, one that will impact our Village for decades to come. I have watched in horror as untold numbers of largescale 12- and 15-story developments get proposed. I’ve been to Planning Commission, IDA and Board of Trustee meetings voicing my concerns. 

Letter: The fog of an election, or don't believe what you hear, only what you can verify

I have now been through six election cycles, but this one, number 7, is different in that the inside and outside special interests are coordinated on one target area. 

Letter: Too many PILOTs

I ask myself what will the new board of trustees do after the election with what’s happening in our village, i.e., all the new and proposed development projects? Let’s look at what’s going on to date.

Letter: Vote for Republican candidates

I want to add my endorsement of the Republican candidates for Port Chester Village Trustee. Port Chester is at a crossroads in its history once again, and if the board makes the right decisions, the village will have a bright future. 

Letter: Democrats should support development in Port Chester

Economic justice and environmental sustainability are bedrock principles of the modern Democratic Party. In our area, the main economic justice issue is affordable housing. 

Letter: Dividing up your six votes

Many have asked me as Republican chairman how do I divide six votes amongst candidates I like?

Letter: Port Chester at a crossroads— which way will we go?

The next few years are make or break for Port Chester. Either we embrace our financial challenge and work hard to turn things around, building a virtuous cycle of ongoing improvement in a community poised to take on 21st century challenges and opportunities, or we pretend there is no problem …

Letter: Vote for Phil Dorazio

I am a lifelong resident of Port Chester, as is my wife. We were raised here and have chosen to raise our family here as well. Port Chester is not the same as it used to be, and it upsets a lot of residents. However, we need to realize that …

Letter: Vote Joe Carvin for strong, visionary leadership for Port Chester

I had the good fortune to work alongside Joe Carvin for eight years while serving with the Town of Rye. Over the course of that time, we were able to deliver best-in-class governmental services while at the same time reducing operating expenditures by 25% on an ongoing basis leading to …

Letter: Joe Carvin can work across the aisle

I have known Joe Carvin for well over a decade. He served as Town Supervisor when I represented Port Chester as your County Legislator. 

Letter: Vote Mar. 15 to change direction of the Board

I am urging my fellow Port Chester residents to vote in the Mar. 15 election for Board of Trustees. Some members of the current board have engineered and shepherded through a proposed slate of development which would add 10,000 residents to Port Chester in just a few years. 

Letter: Vote for Joe Carvin for Trustee: hardworking and committed

This is a letter in support of Joe Carvin for the Port Chester Board of Trustees. We think it is important to acknowledge that the Port Chester Board of Trustees election offers voters a number of strong candidates. There will be no negative “cheap shots” here.