Letter: Elect Democratic candidates for Trustee

I am writing on behalf of the Democratic candidates for Trustee in the upcoming Village of Port Chester election. They are incumbent Joan Grangenois-Thomas and for election John Allen and Phil Dorazio. All three have shown their passion for Port Chester and its residents.

Letter: Port Chester taxpayers need Juliana Alzate and Joe Carvin

How long will we trample over the rights of Port Chester taxpayers? The answer is clear so long as they refuse to vote!

Letter: Port Chester’s needs are not met by current site plan for hospital site

In the cover letter to the Jan. 29, 2021 submission for the United Hospital site, the attorney referred to "Exhibit C which provides a detailed summary of the Proposed Redevelopment's conformance with the SD-PMU District regulations..." 

Letter: Reject magical thinking

For quite some time now, candidates have been presenting development as if developers are fairy godmothers to Port Chester. Developers will swoop in with magic wands and fix our financial situation and infrastructure. Beautiful buildings requiring hundreds of local employees [but apparently creating no children to go to the schools] …

Letter: Port Chester is losing three devoted Trustees

I was sorry to hear that Trustees Frank Ferrara and Alex Payan will not seek another term on the Port Chester Board of Trustees. For years, I had the pleasure of working with Frank on the Board. There was no shortage of dedication with him. 

Letter: We endorse Joe DeVita

We write to endorse and recommend Joe DeVita for Port Chester Village Trustee in the upcoming Mar. 15 election. Joe, along with his wife, Laura, and three young adult children are wonderful neighbors with a strong commitment to the Port Chester community.

Letter: Infrastructure in the face of a rising tide

Nancy Mattson’s op ed in the Friday, Feb. 11 edition of the Westmore News is what might be called “the poop letter.” She brought up excellent points about development and poop. She wrote, “Port Chester cannot and must not assume that our infrastructure will be able to absorb all this …

Letter: Poetry slam a perfect way to celebrate Black History Month

Congratulations to all the students who participated in the Phillis Wheatley Poetry Slam at Port Chester High School.

Letter: Port Chester’s future is now!

Strategic planning informs that maintaining the status quo is harmful for any organization. Port Chester through its development projects is moving beyond the status quo to a successful future. 

Letter: Rising sea levels and effects of salt water should be considered in downtown P.C.

I would like to thank Editor Jananne Abel for the reminder accompanying my January letter that currently, the Village of Port Chester has a volunteer fire department.

Letter: Looking for support of Christmas lights at 16 Highview Ave. destroyed by vandals

Hi, this is Edward DeGiacomo. I’ve written you before about the Christmas lights I display at my mother’s home at 16 Highview Ave. This year the display was amazing, but I had some problems. Early in the lighting I noticed some lights not working. I saw that the strands were …

Letter: Too much too fast

I am writing about the current planned slate of development in downtown Port Chester. If we back up the camera and look at the totality of the planned developments and their likely impacts, what we have is a total change (for the worse) to the character of our village. 

Letter: R.B. resident urges P.C. voters to re-elect Grangenois-Thomas

I will state from the start, I live in Rye Brook and therefore cannot vote in Port Chester, but if I did, I would vote for Joan Grangenois-Thomas for re-election to the Port Chester Board of Trustees.

Letter: Joe Carvin’s rationale for running for Port Chester Village Trustee

I am running for Village Trustee because I believe I bring a unique life experience relevant to the issues facing Port Chester today.