Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Cuomo’s environmental politics penalized Blind Brook taxpayers

Are you ready for a complex tale detailing how former Governor Andrew Cuomo’s environmental politics penalized Blind Brook taxpayers to the tune of $1,189,185 and counting?

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Money—the ‘mother’s milk of politics’ is poisoning us all in a wave of tribalism

Our politics these days is a combination of big money, ambition, and tribalism—all flaunted in our faces.

Letter: Hypocrisy over ‘my body, my choice’?

Kudos to the liberals who have enforced mask and vaccination mandates confirming that government has control over our bodies in the name of public health and the rights of others.

Letter: P.C. is flooded with development but the Village is not prepared

Port Chester is a village, but we are attracting an incredibly high level of development interest. In addition to what is already being built, this is what is currently in the works:

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: More threats to our youth from the Internet, this time wrapped in a Chinese ‘humor’ app

Blind Brook Schools Interim Superintendent Colin Byrne got everyone’s attention in the community with the harrowing e-mail warning he distributed Sunday, Oct. 17 (see adjoining box).

Letter: Plan the Port has become The Game of Codes

The Village of Port Chester sponsored the Plan the Port initiative a few years ago. It featured numerous sessions for residents’ and developers’ input. Subsequently the Village began the effort to revise and implement a form based code. The new code is now in use for review and approval of …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: The ‘resignation’ of a school superintendent leads to uncomfortable questions, answers, and self-reflection

In our daydreams of an earlier America, being on a school board, either in Blind Brook or Port Chester or anywhere else in the country, was a civic contribution that came with a measure of community respect.

Letter: Why not provide resources for alleged victims

I am writing in response to the article titled “A threatening confrontation,” published in your newspaper on Oct. 15, 2021. I respect all your reporters and what you have done to consistently report the truthful news that happens in our village.

Letter: Please do not make me cry for you Port Chester…again!

There is a saying I remember from when I used to invest in emerging market finance, Brazil is the country of the future...and always will be. 

Letter: Peter Sisca, a man of integrity, compassion and experience

I am proud to endorse my good friend Peter Sisca for Rye Town Justice. 

Letter: Latimer is my choice for County Executive

Rye Brook has benefited from the hard work of George Latimer these many years, most recently as County Executive and, before that, as a state legislator. 

Letter: Re-elect Latimer for County Executive

George Latimer has worked hard for Port Chester and for all of Westchester County these past four years; 

Letter: Keep Judge Jeffrey Rednick on the bench

It is with great pleasure that I support current Judge Jeffrey Rednick for election to the Town of Rye Justice Court and I urge all residents to vote for him on Nov. 2. 

Letter: Vote for José Castaneda

On Nov. 2 we will be voting for, among other offices, the judges of the Rye Town Court.

Letter: Don’t sit this election out, vote

There are probably very few things that Dick Hubert, Aldo Vitagliano and Sustainable Port Chester Alliance agree upon, but we do all urge the registered citizens of Port Chester to show up and vote in the approaching election.