Letter: Blind Brook voters must vote to see project completed

I am writing to urge Blind Brook district residents to vote on 12/21 in favor of the bond to finish the Ridge Street School construction project.  

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Our adversaries take notice of a weakened foe, the result of massive internal USA division

No local, national, or international outrage seems to collectively unite the electorate of the USA anymore. We seem to be at each other’s throats this holiday season.

Letter: Rich Conway: Always fair, kind, protective and helpful

A recent Westmore News article stated that a policewoman was suing the Port Chester Police Department for having been overlooked for promotions and, in many ways, had been treated unfairly because she is a female.

Letter: IDA should stop giving money to developers

This letter is directed to Port Chester Industrial Development Agency Chairman Frank Ferrara and the other members of the IDA board. With the Christmas season at hand, it is the time of giving and receiving. The IDA seems to be wanting to give presents to new developers coming into Port …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: New York City’s Democrats want to give the vote to non-citizens—a recipe for party political suicide

When I saw this headline and story in the New York Times Nov. 23, I thought for a minute I was reading The Onion or some other satirical publication.

Letter: 70 alums turn out for PCHS soccer reunion

On Saturday, Nov. 20, we organized a Soccer Reunion for Port Chester High School soccer alumni to view the new turf field. The response was more than we could have wished for. Approximately 70 past players either stayed the whole day or graciously stopped by to take a quick peek …

Letter: Donated groceries and turkeys should go to those truly in need

Every so often we receive a robo call from the Port Chester Senior Center advising us that there are groceries to be picked up if desired. This past Sunday it was turkeys donated by the police.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: On the horrific treatment of Patricia Daly by NYS Tax officials and why you should care

For the last several weeks, primarily in the Rye Brook edition of this newspaper, I have been reporting on the horrific treatment of former Doral Arrowwood employee Patricia Daly by employees of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance.

Westmed Medical Group had a software meltdown

Last week, Westmed, the huge medical group in our area which doubles as a full-service medical institution just short of a hospital, switched over to a new software system and website from AthenaHealth.

Opinion: Alex Marshall: Scarsdale’s gain is Rye Brook’s loss

Alexandra “Alex” Marshall, who worked for the Village of Rye Brook for almost six years, first as an intern when she was completing her undergraduate degree at Fordham University, then as an administrative aide, then assistant to the village administrator and in the last few months assistant village administrator, has …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: We’re at each other’s throats: Is Civil War 2.0 approaching?

More and more Americans are at each other’s throats – threatening death, assassination, and more, for public servants and individual private citizens they find “anti-American” or worse. 

Letter: Bigotry must be condemned

As chair of the Rye Town Democratic Committee, I, along with the Rye Town Democratic district leaders, am shocked and mortified by the actions that took place at the Yorktown Republican “victory celebration” on Election Night. 

Letter: Village of Port Chester can’t afford 20-year Payments in Lieu of Taxes

The message from the Village of Port Chester has for years been that we need development to increase assessables. Yet at the same time, the Port Chester Industrial Development Agency is considering 20-year tax abatements [Payments In Lieu Of Taxes] for these same developments. 

Letter: Hypocrisy from a total hypocrite

Kudos to Aldo Vitagliano for showing everyone that he is ignorant and extremely problematic. Comparing a global virus that has killed millions to one person's decision whether to have a baby, which is none of his business in the first place, is atrocious.

Letter: Thanks for your confidence from County Executive Latimer

I am writing to express my appreciation to all the voters of Port Chester and Rye Brook who gave me a vote of confidence in electing me to a second term as Westchester County Executive.