Letter: Port Chester should listen to firefighters

People have heard from time to time that firefighters are concerned about development in Port Chester because the new buildings will use a dangerous form of construction. 

Letter: It pays to be sustainable

My intent in writing this piece is to share information on how integrating the environment into our municipal policy can be fiscally beneficial for the Village of Port Chester. In short, village development should be sane and sustainable.

Letter: Concerns about the Hutch

I am writing regarding two Hutchinson River Parkway issues of concern to the Rye Brook and Port Chester community.

Letter: `Are you angry, horrified, or unconcerned?’

I want to comment on the excellent column by Dick Hubert in the July 16, 2021 edition of the Westmore News, titled “Painful thoughts on our trillion-dollar fiasco.”

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: State Senator Shelley Mayer wages a lonely battle to reform election boards and enact major voting reforms

What will it take for the super-majority Democratic controlled New York State Legislature to clean up the incompetence and corruption of the State’s Boards of Election (BOE) and professionalize its commissioners and staffs?

Letter: Dennis Pilla: A man who cared

When most people think of Dennis Pilla, they remember all his great work for our town in local politics, but I have some other memories of his kindness and generosity to share. 

Letter: More affordable housing needed in P.C.

Port Chester’s Form-Based Zoning Code, passed and enacted in May 2020, created a zoning district (CD6-T) with the specific goal of encouraging “transit-oriented development” (TOD). This District permits the highest density of dwelling units in the Village.

Letter: Port Chester proud: Two funerals, a reunion and the need for fallible community conversations

Over the course of the last two weeks, I attended the funerals of two good men who died too soon. 

Letter: P.C. should keep what makes it unique

I have lived in Port Chester for my entire life and there are many things about it that make it better than the surrounding towns. 

Letter: Port Chester over development

Each week I read this newspaper because I am a concerned citizen and want to know what is happening in my community. It is well worth the price of a three-year subscription. 

Letter: Don’t approve 12-story building at the base of King Street

I strongly discourage Port Chester’s elected officials and all Planning Commission members from approving Trammell Crow’s proposed 12-story, 185-unit rental apartment building for the 208-216 property parcels on King Street. 

Letter: Downtown development heading in the wrong direction

The downtown development in Port Chester is heading in the wrong direction. Port Chester needs measured development above all.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: On NIMBY complaints, or when you accuse your neighbor of building a structure higher than the Great Wall of China

What would we do without transparent local government where nearly everything is public?

Dennis Pilla: An energetic champion of Port Chester

Dennis Pilla—a man who died too young at the age of 60—will be remembered for the profound effect he had on the Village of Port Chester. He came out of nowhere along with Dan Brakewood, and these two bright young lads shook up the local political scene.

Letter: Overturn site plan approvals

The Port Chester boards and commissions are participating in and abetting the destruction of the Village’s historic downtown and displacement of longstanding businesses and residents, all in violation of its own code.