Letter: Demolishing Port Chester's future

Recent demolition and construction in Port Chester has caught the attention of historians and officials at the County and State levels. Many Port Chester residents have expressed their opposition to the destruction of designated historic district buildings by outside developers. 

Letter: Massive new development isn’t sustainable for P.C.

I’m very concerned about the massive amounts of development coming to Port Chester. Thousands of new apartments have been proposed for our village and work is already beginning. 

Letter: Residents should not subsidize development with PILOTs (Payments in Lieu of Taxes)

Over the past years the Village of Port Chester seems to be constantly in a crisis mode. Our problems just keep getting worse. Take a look, we have an overcrowded housing problem. Our schools are at capacity, our school taxes are out of control, traffic is terrible. The truth of …

Letter: Follow Plan the Port

A few years ago, Port Chester had a lot of meetings as part of an initiative called “Plan the Port.” People were invited to give their opinions about what they liked and didn’t like in Port Chester. 

Letter: Port Chester’s choice: Sane vs insane development

Port Chester has approved or is considering close to a dozen development projects that include more than 1,000 residential units, tens of thousands of square feet of commercial space, a hotel and more. 

Letter: Development should benefit residents

One of the more troubling aspects of development in Port Chester is the fact that public money is supporting projects that simply do not benefit the people of Port Chester. 

Letter: A village center is central to the village

Where is the center of the Village of Port Chester? If I asked the question about the City of Rye, the answer would be obvious. 

Letter: Moratorium needed on demolition downtown

There is certainly lots of development and demolition planned for downtown Port Chester. 

Letter: Voting rights must be equal and guaranteed

In his latest letter, Port Chester Republican Chair Aldo Vitagliano encourages people to "simply go out and vote." These days it's not so simple. 

From Our Editor: Bigotry rears its ugly head in Port Chester trustee’s email

The following email exchange occurred among the Port Chester Board of Trustee members since their last meeting on July 6. At that meeting, Mayor Luis Marino told Village Clerk Janusz Richards he wanted to make the recent emails sent to board members regarding development part of the record as correspondence. …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Painful thoughts on our trillion dollar fiasco

We live in disturbing historic times. And now there’s this: “America’s war in Afghanistan is ending in crushing defeat. The consequences of the conflict for Afghans, already catastrophic, are likely to get worse.” That was the headline last Friday in the worldwide news magazine The Economist, edited in London, but …

I on The Daily News: Running the re-creation of the original marathon on a dream News assignment-turned nightmare

It was hard to believe it was happening even as it was unfolding. There I was running down the last straightaway in the Olympic Stadium in Athens, Greece.

Letter: The downside of downtown development

I live and work in Port Chester, and I am concerned about the direction our downtown development seems to be taking. 

Letter: Exercise your right to vote

The recent Supreme Court decision upholding recently adopted voting rules in Arizona is being denounced by the progressive left. They believe government must do everything at great expense to ensure that a largely unmotivated constituency votes. 

Letter: Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (for the vaccinated only!)

It has been tough these days. Head injuries whenever I see or hear something that makes me fall off my chair.