Letter: NAACP president explains import of Critical Race Theory

A letter to the editor in the May 7 issue of the Westmore News touched upon “Critical Race Theory.” Critical Race Theory was portrayed as something undesirable, something we wouldn’t want our school-age children exposed to. The ideas expressed in that letter were a reflection of a larger collection of …

Letter: Re-elect Tim Idoni for County Clerk at Democratic primary on June 22

I am a resident of Rye Town (Port Chester). I am a recent graduate of SUNY Purchase. I have made the commitment to be more focused on the quality and character of those whom we elect. It is this commitment that motivated me to get involved in the Westchester County …

A High Schooler’s Soliloquy: Three steps to self-love

Seeing a face reflected off the mirror. Tears flowing from her eyes. "Who do you see?" she would say, because it's not me. She reaches out a hand waiting for someone else to grasp it, but it gets trapped within glass instead. So, she holds her heart in her hand, …

Letter: Can Port Chester survive? Do you care?

On Monday, May 31, we celebrated Memorial Day. A day set aside to remember and commemorate the brave men and women who gave their lives for our country and our way of life. 

Letter: Knights of Columbus thanks local volunteers

Many thanks to all the veterans, Knights, Scouts, leaders and parents that came out to remember the servicemen and women who now rest in St. Mary's Cemetery in Rye Brook. 

Letter: Car wash at St. Paul’s Church June 6 to benefit homeless LGBTQ+ youth

For many years local interfaith congregations have joined together with the students of the Gay Straight Alliance at Port Chester High School for a fundraiser. The congregations have hosted the fundraiser and the students have been volunteers for the event. The fundraisers have been for the benefit of the GSA …

I on The Daily News: Vulture capitalists beat white knights to Trib leaving fate of 9 big metro papers up in the air

Money talks. And The Tribune Publishing Company listened. But the Trib didn't like what it was hearing of late. Because there is a big difference between talking the talk as a couple of late-charging billionaire white knights did while coming on as saviors of the Trib's nine major metro newspapers—including …

Letter: Disgraceful Board of Education election

We have had many bad turnout elections in the past, but this one has to be one of the worst. I was shocked by the outcome which was caused by so few residents turning out to do their civic duty. All eligible residents who didn’t vote should be ashamed of …

Letter: George Ford thanks the community

First, I’d like to extend my thanks to all the candidates who put themselves out there and for their willingness to serve the community on the Port Chester Board of Education.

Letter: Much appreciation to a district and residents that value education

Thank you to the residents of Port Chester and Rye Brook who voted in the Port Chester-Rye UFSD elections for the school budget and Board of Education on May 18. I am glad to live in a district that values education. The budget that passed will have a significant impact …

Letter: When will this bad behavior stop?

I've written before about the incredibly insensitive and outrageously poor behavior of one of our local citizens, Steve Simmons. This time, I felt the need to write again as he has crossed a new line. A line that involves harassing a group of young, innocent children and myself, a senior …

Letter: Thanks for putting your faith in me to serve a second school board term

I’d like to humbly thank the community for allowing me the honor and privilege of serving a second term on the Port Chester school district Board of Education (BOE). More importantly, thank you for putting your faith in our school district and approving the proposed budget for the upcoming school …

Letter: Thanks and appreciation to everyone who made school board run worthwhile

I would like to take this time to express my sincere thank you and appreciation to all of you who have supported me in my recent run for the Port Chester Board of Education. My list of friends, supporters, along with all my heart felt thanks exceed the scope of …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Report card on Senator Shelley Mayer’s campaign to reform and update New York State voting laws

If everyone in public life were like our State Senator, Democrat Shelley Mayer, we would be in the ideal zone of public officialdom: intelligent, well informed public servants who are reasonable, engage in dialogue with journalists, and come back for more. 

Letter: Port Chester’s finances are at a breaking point!

That is not my conclusion but the conclusion reached by a third party independent consultant hired to analyze Port Chester’s city status effort. It is rare that one sees such alarming language come from a report of this nature.