Letter: Thanks to Port Chester community for helping 2 families who lost everything

There are times when we need to pull together as a village to help someone in need. This letter is to express my sincere thanks to the Port Chester community for your support in helping two local families who lost everything in a structure fire on May 1 at 34 …

From Our Assistant Editor: Re-elect Lou Russo, elect Sharon Burke to bring positive changes to P.C. schools

Exhilarating changes are coming to the Port Chester School District next year. It’s an era of new beginnings for the historically troubled entity, with a new superintendent coming in and the state’s promise of fully restored Foundation Aid over the next three years, which is why the Board of Education …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: On the Facebook hacking horror of my friend George Merlis

There’s hardly a reader of the Westmore News not familiar with the Facebook hacking story of former Port Chester Board of Education President Tom Corbia.

Letter: Voting for Burke and Russo, candidates with vested interest

When hearing that Sharon Burke is running for the Board of Education, a fellow Port Chester person coined the phrase “Burke will do the work!” Anyone who knows Sharon knows that is true. She has been involved with our schools since her eldest entered kindergarten—from running the coat drive, to …

Letter: What I love about Port Chester

One of the many things I love about the Port Chester community is how family oriented it is. No matter what street I walk down in this village of ours, I see kids playing, walking, riding bikes and simply being kids. There is no dangerous street or neighborhood in Port …

Letter: George Ford does his homework

We have known George for eight years, first meeting him while attending a get together to discuss finding a candidate to run for the upcoming Board of Education election. At the time, George’s wife was due anytime with their second child, and he felt he would not be able to …

Letter: Cirulli has the right experience

Richard Cirulli is a man for all seasons whose work experiences ranges from hands-on construction to supervision of huge construction projects for private and state institutions. He has taught on all levels of education: elementary, secondary, university and even a program for prisoners. With this extensive and varied experience in …

Letter: We need Russo and Burke on the P.C. school board

The Port Chester community has a big election coming up on May 18. We will be electing two Board of Education members. There is no doubt that Sharon Burke and Lou Russo are the best candidates for our Board of Education. This is a vital district election. In order for …

Letter: Russo and Burke embody the best qualities for P.C.

I’m writing this letter in an effort to encourage all registered voters within the Port Chester School District to support the 2021-2022 school budget, which is once again under the tax cap, by voting yes on May 18! 

Letter: Outgoing school trustee endorses Russo and Burke

As an outgoing Board of Education trustee, I write this letter as an individual and not as a representative of the board. It is clear to me that Lou Russo and Sharon Burke are focused on creating a wealthier and more socially accepting community. They seek a safer, more compassionate, …

Letter: And then there were five

Last week, Joe Carvin dropped out of the school board race. I guess he saw the handwriting on the wall: no support, is what I am hearing. That can happen when you only have one self-serving agenda. The voters said “no thank you, Joe,” last June. Of the five remaining …

Letter: Russo and Burke can be trusted to use long-overdue funds wisely

I’m writing to express my support for Board of Education candidates Lou Russo and Sharon Burke. With long-overdue Foundation Aid and Covid-related federal funds coming to Port Chester, we need Board of Education members who are committed to delivering for the students and teachers of P.C. Schools. Lou and Sharon …

Letter: Sharon Burke will do the work

We are writing to ask for your support on May 18 in electing Sharon Burke for Board of Education. Sharon has three children in the school district and has always, from day one, been an active member in our schools and our community.

Letter: Burke and Russo would provide calm and steady leadership

This past year has been a tough one for Port Chester, and most especially for the Port Chester Board of Education. In addition to having to cope with a global pandemic, the BOE has had to work to re-instill the trust of the community after one board member chose to …

Letter: Everyone would win in a Russo, Burke election

I write in strong support of Lou Russo and Sharon Burke for Board of Education. Lou Russo is finishing up his first term on the board. With the removal of Tom Corbia, Lou ranks as the second longest-serving remaining school board member. We can benefit from Lou's wisdom, experience and …