Letter: Jim Black is spot on

After reading Jim Black’s article in the latest edition of the Westmore News castigating the writing abilities of your columnist Dick Hubert, I must conclude that Mr. Black is spot on in his analysis.

Letter: Thank you, Board of Education for holding P.C. to a high standard

Last week, the Port Chester Board of Education voted 3-1 to remove Thomas Corbia from the Board. While at the time of writing we do not yet know the precise charges, we do know that the impartial hearing officer listened to three days of testimony and recommended Mr. Corbia’s removal …

Letter: Hubert is a hack posing as a journalist

While I understand that this is simply an opinion column in the Westmore News, I have come to the conclusion that I can no longer continue to read Dick Hubert’s columns without responding to this blow-hard and his ramblings.

Letter: Republicans: The party of Trump, not Lincoln

Dick Hubert has been writing about Port Chester Trustee Bart Didden, Port Chester Republican Party Chairman Aldo Vitagliano, and the Trumpican Party. I would like to take this opportunity to respond to some of his comments. According to Hubert, Didden flouted the rules at the recent Village Trustee meeting by …

Letter: On May 18, vote Ford for the Board

It is with great excitement that I announce my candidacy for the Port Chester Board of Education. For many years, I have participated in both our Village Board and School Board meetings—speaking on issues without an agenda, simply advocating for what is right and in the best interest of our …

From Our Editor: 2020 was a good year for Westmore News: Paper recognized with 10 NYPA awards

As the world endured the worst of the coronavirus pandemic, the year 2020 was both tragic and memorable. And so it was for the Westmore News. Fortunately, there were no tragedies among our staff, but covering the news, especially in the early months of the pandemic, wasn’t easy.

From Our Editor: The road is dry again

After writing in last week’s paper that water had been streaming down Broad Street and going down the drain after bubbling up out of a blue valve cover in the middle of the road for weeks, an outside contractor crew showed up at the end of last week to fix …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Refusing to wear a mask at a public meeting: Public health becomes political in Port Chester

Port Chester Trustee Bart Didden is looking for his MAGA moment in the political sun. How else to explain his showing up during the first in-person meeting of the P.C. Board since the coronavirus pandemic started by flouting all rules and refusing to wear a protective face mask—the only Board …

Letter: Do not act blindly with Foundation Aid funds

Like sharks that smell blood in the water, our present superintendent and school administrators are salivating over the prospect of a Foundation Aid windfall for our district. 

Letter: If 90% of people don’t vote, is the system working?

Dick Hubert asked: “Where’s Port Chester Republican Chairman Aldo Vitagliano’s voice on voting rights?”

Letter: Marino’s swearing in ceremony should have been front page news

My wife and I enjoy receiving the Westmore News each Friday. 

Letter: There are troubling inequities in the housing lottery system

Just wanted to thank you for running the story on the Garrett family in the Apr. 2 issue of the Rye Brook Westmore News.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Living in the USA carries responsibilities

It’s time for you, yes, every one of you, to find your citizen’s voice and speak up. When you’re living through historic times, silence is not an option; retreating to a position of “I don’t want to talk about it,” “I’m afraid to talk about it,” or “I want you, …

Letter: Dick Hubert is critiquing the wrong political party

Dick Hubert wrote two weeks ago: “Do you believe in political miracles? Or am I in political dreamland and kidding myself?” While the column he wrote was pointed at Republican Leader Aldo Vitagliano, and I am not a Republican but a Conservative, I can soundly answer the question: yes. He …

Letter: More PCSD polling places are a costly expense with little gain

I woke up this morning and realized I had to point out some politically correct information to respond to the Op-Ed about creating more polling places to make school budget and school board elections more accessible to Latinx citizens. From the most recent Village election canvass, look at the results …