A high schooler’s soliloquy: Words do not have an impact if not spoken

Harassment. Molestation. Rape. The list goes on. We live in a world where these actions are left unaccounted for and unheard. Headline after headline, we see people we idolize come forth under sexual allegations that are waiting to be addressed:

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: On voting laws, ‘Trumplicans,’ and conservatives who deserve respect

For months now I’ve been arguing as an opinion columnist on these pages for New York (and indeed the rest of the country) to model itself after Washington State and New Hampshire in its voting laws.

Letter: Burke and Russo will do what’s best for all kids

I am writing to support Sharon Burke and Lou Russo for the Port Chester Board of Education. Sharon has been a deeply invested parent for years, tirelessly advocating on our children’s behalf. She brings a level of commitment and thoughtfulness that is exemplary. 

Letter: George Ford: determined, resourceful and honest

I have known George Ford for about six years now, having first met him when our children were in kindergarten.  I was new to the community and eager to be involved, so I attended PTA meetings and volunteered at my children's school as much as I could.  

Letter: P.C. schools’ future in good hands with Lou Russo and Sharon Burke

I am so pleased to offer my support to candidates Lou Russo and Sharon Burke for Port Chester Board of Education. Both Lou and Sharon are involved parents in the district who have the vested interest, perspective and commitment to serve in this very important community role. 

Letter: Re-elect Russo for school board

This May 18, kindly support my candidacy for re-election to the Port Chester-Rye Union Free School District (PCRUFSD) Board of Education (BOE).

Letter: A lament on recent annoyances

This week, I would like to opine on a couple of things that really annoy me. First, for many months the story of Tom Corbia has been frontline news here in the village. 

Letter: Ford’s commitment is unmatched

Passionate, dedicated, knowledgeable...these are some of the qualities that describe George Ford and why he is deserving of your vote for the Port Chester Board of Education. Throughout the years that I have known George, I’ve found his involvement in the community is unmatched. 

Letter: Support for Russo and Burke and the 2021-22 budget

I am writing in support of the proposed school budget for Port Chester and in support of candidates Lou Russo and Sharon Burke for Board of Education.

Letter: Welcoming P.C. schools’ bright future

I am delighted and overjoyed to learn that after many years of advocacy, Port Chester Schools will be receiving a much-needed increase to its Foundation Aid. As a King Street School parent and Port Chester teacher, I am optimistic about the future of education for all current and future Port …

Letter: Vote Ford on May 18

Our family has known George Ford for just about 10 years. We came to Port Chester and rented a house; George was our landlord and first exposure to a great town. He was very welcoming, kind and gave us the lay of the land. Fast forward a few years and …

Letter: The time has come; George Ford for Port Chester Board of Education

We have known George for over 40 years, since elementary school. We all grew up together and have grown very close during those years, going through the many things that life presents us with, both good and bad. George has always been there for all of us, as a good …

Letter: George Ford: A wish come true

Before my terrible tumble down the stairs that prevented me from attending board meetings, which I now watch on television, I was always impressed by what George Ford had to say because he seemed so genuine. 

Letter: Support George Ford for P.C. school board

No question about it—George Ford is the most dedicated and most qualified candidate for the Port Chester Board of Education! I first met George and his family when our kids began kindergarten together at King Street School.

Letter: Introducing Richard Cirulli, P.C. school board candidate

I’m writing this letter to introduce myself and to share with you my motivation and interest in running for a seat on the Port Chester Board of Education. Before presenting my goals and platform, I will share with the community my background as to why I believe I am a …