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Blind Brook Superintendent Dr. Colin Byrne (left), Board of Education President Jeffrey Mensch and Vice President Samantha Smith listen to public commenters on Wednesday, Aug. 7, during a town hall hosted to garner feedback about the district’s upcoming bond proposal.

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Blind Brook bond: Three options, three price tags

Town hall on Oct. 22 Blind Brook bond proposal dives into details, finances while residents question how to ensure future financial security

Before anyone could speak, Jeffrey Mensch took a moment to squash “misconceptions” that he said are circulating around the Blind Brook School District community—fallacies, he said, that people believe about the Board of Education attempting to needlessly raise taxes as they prepare to present a bond proposal to the community this fall. Mensch was speaking at a town hall on Aug. 7, the first public feedback session the school district hosted during their regular Board of Education meeting to garner input about its anticipated bond this fall—a proposal they aim to finalize at the end of the month to put before voters in October.

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