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Executive Vice President of the Business Council of Westchester John Ravitz (left) opens the Ellis Island Initiative meeting at 800 Westchester Ave. on May 29 which convened local leaders to discuss how immigrants can play a key role in improving local economies. He is joined by Executive Director of Neighbors Link Carola Bracco and President of United Way of Westchester and Putnam Tom Gabriel.

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County leaders gather in Rye Brook to deliberate on how to help migrants

According to the 2020 U.S. Census, 26% of Westchester residents, or 251,000 people, are immigrants. It’s an increase of 55,000 over the last time the U.S. Census Bureau released the questionnaire in 2010. To help that population ease their transition into their new communities, the Ellis Island Initiative has spent the last year partnering with local leaders across New York to brainstorm how the newcomer community can impact local economies.

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