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Nick Mecca is sworn in to his fourth term as Rye Town receiver of taxes in January 2020. Now in his fifth term, he’s considering retiring before the four-year stint is up, sparking a controversial proposal from the Rye Town Council: making the position appointed rather than elected.

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R.T. Council considers taking an elected job off the ballot

Public may be voting to determine whether the receiver of taxes is elected or appointed in November

When Rye Town Supervisor Gary Zuckerman introduced three resolutions to the public at the regular Town Council meeting on Apr. 18, he was aware the last of the propositions could ruffle some feathers. “The third measure, and I know this will be somewhat controversial,” he said in the meeting room of the Crawford Mansion Community Center that night, “is to set the date for a public hearing for Local Law No. 3, which is to change the position of receiver of taxes from an elected to an appointed office.”

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