Ellendale Avenue resident Linda Petrilli accepts some cooking oil from Port Chester High School junior Rodrigo Gonzales at the Carver Center’s annual Thanksgiving Distribution on Thursday, Nov. 21. Employees and volunteers worked quickly to give away 69,600 lbs. of food before the holiday. (David Tapia/Westmore News)
The line for the giveaway wraps around the front of the Carver Center at 400 Westchester Ave. This year, 800 households registered for the event, a 100% increase over last year’s turnout, according to Carver Center CEO Anne Bradner. Each family received enough food to host a traditional Thanksgiving meal, a grocery haul estimated to be worth $200. (David Tapia/Westmore News)
Blind Brook High School junior Jake Messafi hands off a 5-pound bag of fall greens to Rye Brook resident Martha Licea. (David Tapia/Westmore News)
Port Chester High School sophomore Ezekial Sena shows off his strength by holding up a turkey as he waits for the next wave of attendees. (David Tapia/Westmore News)
Alvaro Jimenez provides Jenny Cardona with a Thanksgiving chicken. Both are Port Chester residents. (David Tapia/Westmore News)
Mark Katz, the Carver Center’s individual giving manager, flashes a thumbs up while dressed in a festive inflatable turkey rider costume. (David Tapia/Westmore News)
New Rochelle resident Astana Olano takes a gander at some of the canned soups being distributed. (David Tapia/Westmore News)