Letter: Quakers oppose Westchester Joint Water Works plan to build plant on property near their Meeting House

Quakers take seriously our responsibility to be stewards of our natural resources. We oppose Westchester Joint Water Works (WJWW) building a massive industrial water filtration plant on the property adjacent to our Meeting House on Purchase Street, within 800 feet of the Kensico Reservoir, threatening the drinking water of more …

Letter: Thanks from the P.C. Volunteer Fire Service

I would like to publicly thank George Ford and the other members of the Port Chester School Board who voted for the passage of the volunteer firefighter tax assessment adjustment at its last meeting on Feb. 29.

Letter: Ways for Dems to provide arms to Ukraine and Odessa bombing kills five children

The Ukrainian army is on a tight artillery ration. Because as you know, the collapsed Soviet Union Budapest Memorandum made industrial Donbass a war zone since 2014. Republicans with Democrats are arguing amongst each other; Europe is cowardly trying to avoid upsetting evil Putin.

From Our Editor: A fond farewell to Tony Cerreto after 28 years

Anthony Cerreto’s last day as Port Chester village attorney was Tuesday, Feb. 27. He was feted with a retirement dinner in the upstairs party room at T&J Pizza and Pasta the previous Thursday, Feb. 22, where more than 100 guests honored him with their presence and wished him well in …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Fears for Ukraine as NATO wonders about U.S.; plus Latimer-Bowman

Will the U.S. government come to a crashing halt because Republicans in the House refuse to vote on the budget?

Letter: The dangers of Trump, his lies and extremists

People who don’t follow national politics closely need to know: the 2024 presidential election will not be the typical Republicans vs. Democrats contest. It will determine whether the United States continues as a representative democracy or becomes a Christian nationalist dictatorship under Donald Trump.

Letter: On Biden and the judiciary

I would like to commend Ronald Weckessar for his eye-opening letter in last week’s Opinion section. I admire his guts for writing it. It’s about time that the people of this nation wake up to the almost irreparable damage the dumbocrats have done to our nation.

Letter: Concern over condition of village streets and lack of enforcement of traffic rules

I am writing to you today as a concerned resident of Port Chester regarding the current state of our village streets and traffic regulations. I express my deep concern about the deteriorating condition of our roads and the increasing challenges faced by drivers due to lack of proper enforcement.

Letter: PSC: Veolia’s shifting cost of upgrades to infrastructure onto developers is wrong

Your news article last week reported on the pending Veolia Water rate case before the Public Service Commission. These are the comments I submitted:

Letter: Rye Town Dems endorse Latimer

As chairman of the Rye Town Democratic Committee, I want to report that at our January meeting, the Committee voted to endorse George Latimer for Congress in the 16th CD.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Reflections on paradise lost in Hawaii—and other threats

Here’s why I am sad after returning from Hawaii for a brief vacation there—thanks to a round-trip cruise from San Diego. Now our 50th state, and formerly a U.S. territory and independent nation, the Hawaii of our dreams, memories, and imagination is being bled dry by economic forces seemingly beyond …

Letter: Sick of the anti-Trump rhetoric

Am I the only one disgusted by all the negativity directed toward the former president in this paper? What with all of Trump’s legal woes, it is certain that if Biden were a Republican, his legal woes would surpass Trump’s. Trump a threat to democracy?

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: A visit to the ‘Mighty Mo’ battleship prompts historical reflection, and more

Nothing is more bracing for American citizens than to remember the last “hot” war we successfully fought to victory: World War II.

Letter: George Latimer will represent 16th CD well

It has been my privilege to work side by side with County Executive George Latimer for 14 years as his district office director during his tenure in the New York State Assembly and Senate and I was proud of his commitment to helping all constituents in the district as well …

Letter: Historical Society is grateful for work done at Homestead

The Port Chester Historical Society was happy to host a THANK YOU! party for the Department of Public Works this week.