Letter: George Latimer for Congress

I have known George and his wife Robin since the 1980’s when we met at Rye Town Park while walking our dogs near the beach. I remember when George became a City of Rye Councilman.

Letter: Why George Latimer for Congress?

This June Democrats in CD16 will have the opportunity to vote for their next Congressional Representative, and I can’t wait to mark my ballot for George Latimer.

Letter: Support for George Latimer for 16th Congressional District

As a Westchester resident for the last 30 years and a proud Democrat, it will be my honor to support George Latimer in the June 16 primary. His record as Westchester County Executive has been stellar and his accomplishments include:

Valentine Verses

Did your sweetie write you a Valentine?

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Unexpected events on a cruise and the national political scene

In my naïveté, it sounded like a great idea. Why not take a break from the harshness of a February winter in these environs by booking a round trip cruise to beautiful Hawaii from San Diego?

Letter: Reuse, recycle and donate to make a difference

Okay, it's February, and you might have abandoned the New Year's resolutions you set for yourself and tried to implement for a couple of weeks in early January. So, how about adopting some resolutions that will be good for the world at large, and more specifically for our children and …

Letter: League of Women Voters seeks new board members

There are currently openings on the Board of Directors of the Rye/Rye Brook/Port Chester League of Women Voters. The League is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that encourages informed and active participation in government.

Letter: More on the UN, EVs, Ukraine, immigration and Biden

I am writing this letter in response to Douglas Gessner’s critiquing an opinion letter that I wrote a couple of weeks ago.

Letter: Proposed immigration bill is a slap in the face to legal immigrants

When I came to the USA in 2001, I thought the land of opportunities and the beacon of the free world would continue to maintain its stance for many decades. What a naïve thought.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: E. Jean Carroll, Donald Trump and a national reckoning

Somewhere in Westchester County, maybe in our circulation area, there’s a juror in the latest E. Jean Carroll/Donald Trump courtroom drama whose decision (with fellow jurors) I celebrate and whose anonymity it’s crucial to protect.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Are you as worried about Israel, Hamas and Middle East developments as I am?

Can we talk about Israel this week? Are you as worried about Israel’s future as I am?

Letter: Support George Latimer for the 16th Congressional District

George Latimer has proven to be the next Congressional Representative. He has served the residents of Westchester as a County Legislator, New York State Assembly member, New York State Senator and Westchester County Executive.

Letter: Advice about climate change to John Kerry and young people

Today I would like to comment about climate czar, the infamous John Kerry, possibly Joe Biden’s most unknowing puppet.

Letter: A point-by-point response to Ceruzzi’s Jan. 5 letter

The opinion pages in the Jan. 5 edition had a piece by Thomas Ceruzzi that demanded a response. I will address my objections in the same order they were presented.

Ode to Kyiv

I now know the feeling of swirls spinning around your heart when going back to your birthplace. It took the war to realize that my native country might cease to exist because Russo-fascists want Ukraine gone. It took the multiple bombings and shelling on my native Kyiv to realize that …