Letter: How low can Russia go?

With every passing day there is a new low which the fascist entity of Russia is reaching. I will name just a few. The bombing of the Odessa seaport the very next day after the Ukrainian grain export agreement was signed with the UN and Turkey. Ships with Ukrainian provisions …

Letter: Fake news or poor journalism—you decide

Dick Hubert’s Aug. 5 column contains misinformation in need of correction.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: League of Women Voters of Westchester is a gift to democracy, especially to voters

The League of Women Voters has always had a place in my heart—going all the way back to my childhood, when it was the only organization, political, civic, or religious, I ever remember my mother participating in with determination and enthusiasm. 

Letter: Fossil fuel industry is to blame for extreme weather

As someone who follows local and national news reports, I must tell you I am worried about the recent extreme heat and wildfires raging across the country. 

Letter: Finding humor in Hubert’s column

I always enjoy reading the Westmore News for its excellent local content but regret that it lacks a humor or cartoon page that would give me a good laugh in these troubled times. Well, editor, it pleases me to announce that I have found exactly what I have been looking …

Dick Hubert's Worldview: A message to Republicans from a longtime friend: Trump is ’poison.’ Put him in the rear-view mirror.

Thursday, July 21 was a night to remember. At least if you care for our American democracy. Like many of you (I hope there are many of you), I was glued to my television screen watching the primetime hearings of the United States House Select Committee on the Jan. 6 …

Letter: P.C. shouldn’t penalize developers who bought property under current zoning

I continue to be pro-development because of the need for development in our village. Development will not only dramatically improve our infrastructure; it will ultimately expand our tax base and create many new jobs for our community. 

Letter: End of Roe will not end abortions

There was much talk of “murder” on last week’s opinion page. I wonder if the writers have thought this through.

Letter: Proposed buildings lack adequate parking

At Monday night’s Port Chester Planning Commission meeting, public hearings were held on close to 1,500 additional housing units that are proposed for a very small area of this village. As I have outlined in a letter to the Westmore News, that is a large number of additional toilets dumping …

Letter: Fossil fuel industry is to blame for extreme weather

As someone who follows local and national news reports, I must tell you I am worried about the recent extreme heat and wildfires raging across the country. I feel for people who lose their lives and livelihoods to extreme weather, and I’m scared that it’s only a matter of time …

Letter: Trust women!

The truth matters, and I am fed up with the anti-abortion lobby claiming that healthcare equals murder. Abortion is not murder.

Letter: An exceptionally well-written article

The front page article of the July 15 issue of this paper—“Anti-abortion activists clap back”—merits considerable praise for vividly bringing out the truth about abortion, especially in light of the seemingly prevailing pro-abortion mentality in this country.

Letter: Yacht Club is exploiting P.C.’s precious resource

Since it is time to consider a new lease for the Port Chester Yacht Club, the Mayor and Board of Trustees should be aware of a precious resource that is being exploited by a group of selfish, greedy boat owners at the expense of the Village of Port Chester taxpayers. 

Letter: A pro-life view of abortion

I have to applaud Aldo Vitagliano for shining a light on how the local press favored one side over another on the recent Roe v. Wade decision. (Opinion, July 8, 2022.) He points out a noticeable lack of coverage on the pro-life side.

Letter: Is Russian culture influencing Russian fascism?

I cannot stop wondering why my generation of Ukrainians was reading the same books that Russians were reading, listening to the same music, watching the same movies and came out so differently?