Letter: Port Chester needs to do the right thing

I am a lifelong resident of Port Chester. My family-owned business has been committed to Port Chester for 90 years. I have seen our village miss one opportunity after another for decades. 

Letter: Abortion is murder

I ask Andy Sloan if in case 61 percent of Americans did say to keep abortions legal, does that mean they are correct? The answer is no. Aldo Vitagliano’s letter was honest and sincere, his letter was dishonest.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Mark Jaffe: ’I’m a man of the people’; Searching to validate that argument

Mark Jaffe, the 65-year-old Harrison resident who’s once again trying to get elected to public office, presents all kinds of challenges to any journalist writing about him.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: County Legislator Catherine Parker makes her case for beating Jamaal Bowman

Is this the “Year of the Woman” in Democratic primaries? 

Letter: Vitagliano is out of touch

Aldo Vitagliano’s letter re the end of Roe v. Wade is dishonest and out of touch.

Letter: Thank you to supporters of P.C. Anti-Bullying efforts

How do we thank the 140 attendees of our 7th Annual Anti-Bullying fundraiser? Other than this letter, we really are so honored and proud that our awareness corporation has been so well received. We are so happy that people from all aspects of legal and elected officials have taken time …

Letter: What I am proud of

Last month was declared Pride Month, I believe it was to recognize the LBGTQ community. Now I have no problem with that; everyone should take pride in what they believe and what they are; it’s a basic freedom in America. As long as people don’t try to force their agenda …

Letter: Girl Scouts urge support of laws for equal pay

We are Girl Scouts from Troop 02098 and we are 8 and 9 years old. We are writing to you because we recently learned about the wage gap, and we want people to be paid fairly regardless of their gender. We would like to know why there is a wage …

Letter: BOT—Please listen to the people of P.C.

On July 18, the Mayor and Board of Trustees will have a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Form Based Code (FBC). The amendment seeks to clarify confusion in the FBC, stating: “it has become apparent that the way in which building ‘height’ is defined and regulated in …

Letter: Residents should tell BOT what they want

The Port Chester Board of Trustees is just beginning to grapple with some of the problems in the Form Based Code, which is great. One of the things they are doing is trying to fix ambiguities in the Code as they relate to height in particular. In past meetings of …

Letter: Zoning shouldn’t destroy charm of the Village

The July 18 public hearing on changes to the zoning language is a welcome acknowledgment from the Village of Port Chester that the Zoning Code is unclear and poorly considered with regard to the definitions of stories and heights. Port Chester should review the New York State bulk regulations of …

Letter: Abortion is a right!

Abortion is a right. Abortion is a right. Abortion is a right. Abortion is a right. Abortion is a right. 

Letter: Bigger and better than ever

Just when I thought the Port Chester Anti-Bullying Corp., now a 501(c)(3), couldn’t get bigger and better, it did!

Letter: Mom thanks paper for covering her son’s PCHS wrestling career

I would just like to thank the staff for covering my son during these years. My son is Nicholas Bolaños; he was a wrestler these last four years for PCHS; he also graduated this year.

Letter: Pro abortion rights rally coverage failed to present the other side

Of late, Westmore News coverage has tilted far left in what it chooses to cover.