Letter: In reply to a reply to my letter

Kathleen Zaccagnino’s letter in last week’s paper that my opinion piece in the June 14 issue verges on “hate speech” is correct if understood as hatred toward perversion. It is incorrect if understood as hatred toward individuals.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Evictions in Rye Town Courtrooms; untold misery with one bright spot

If you are a subscriber to the Westmore News, the odds are you have a good clean place in which to live. Be grateful that you’re not one of the Rye Town residents who is renting a dilapidated apartment and, worse yet, has fallen behind on paying your rent.

Letter: Celebrating Pride is non-partisan

Flying the Pride flag and the Pride Festival are certainly not right wing/left wing or Democratic/Republican issues. I am proud to be part of a town that teaches children tolerance and fosters acceptance of all people. If that's "indoctrination," then as a former teacher, I am all for it!

Letter: Support LGBTQ+ community at Saturday, June 22 event

Pride Month is about celebrating diversity and the progress made for equality. For the third year, Port Chester will have a Pride Flag raising as an opportunity for those who want to show their support for our LGBTQ+ community. Public displays of diversity and support for diversity are necessary to …

Letter: Farewell message from PCMS principal

I wanted to take a moment and thank you for making me part of the Port Chester family for the past 24 years. I came into the school district newly married, and I am leaving with four children ages 22, 20, 18 and 17. It is amazing how quickly time …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Cacace vs. Wagstaff: a crucial County race for Democratic District Attorney nomination

Are you inundated with political flyers in your USPS mailbox in advance of the June 25 Democratic primary?

Letter: Vote Latimer and vote early!

The Democratic voters of Port Chester and Rye Brook have a stark choice between an incumbent with little in the way of accomplishments and the challenger, County Executive George Latimer, a fixture in advocacy for our communities for the past 35 years.

Letter: George Latimer: the right man at the right time for Congress

It won’t come as a surprise to anyone reading this letter that our nation is divided as never before.

Letter: Vote for Latimer June 25

I first met George Latimer 20 years ago when he walked up my street in Rye Brook and knocked on the door of my house.

Letter: Come celebrate Juneteenth and raising of the Pride flag

Two events of cultural and historical significance will be commemorated and celebrated in Port Chester. On Wednesday, June 19 at 5:30 p.m., the Port Chester Historical Society, along with the Port Chester/Rye N.A.A.C.P., Read, Talk, Act Book Club, and with the help of Pastor Jim O’Hanlon and Rabbi Ben Goldberg …

Letter: Village endorsement of Job Fair was justified

At the June 3 Port Chester Board of Trustees meeting, Trustee Bart Didden’s closing comments included a display of a printout of a New Guard Instagram post that was later removed, featuring a burning police car and an anti-police statement.

Letter: Pride in what?

It’s interesting to note the frequency with which “the far right” is mentioned in the opinion section of this paper and the infrequency with which “the far left” is mentioned.

Letter: I enthusiastically endorse George Latimer for Congress

The Democratic primary is on Tuesday, June 25, and early voting starts June 15. Registered Democrats have been inundated with literature and television commercials for both candidates seeking the Democratic nomination to Congress.

Letter: George Latimer is the right choice for the 16th Congressional District

George Latimer has represented his constituents at every level of local government: City Council, County Legislature, State Assembly, State Senate, and, currently, Westchester County Executive.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Culture shock: Longtime Rye Brook resident and civic leader moves to Upstate MAGA country

Jeff Diamond and his wife Kozue lived in Rye Brook’s Blind Brook School District for 30 years and raised three children grades K-12, with Diamond serving on the Blind Brook school board for nine years, including time as president.