Letter: The attempted assassination of Trump has virtually guaranteed his election

All my life I have believed that fate controls your destiny, whether you will be a doctor, teacher or whatever. I believe that it is all preordained; what happens in your life has already been scripted.

From Our Editor: Westmore News recognized for its coverage of government

No matter what field you’re in, even local government, conventions are a highlight of the year. Besides being a learning experience, both through seminars and just catching up with and commiserating with other people in your industry about common problems, goals and solutions, they are meant to be fun and …

Letter: On noise and The Fourth of July

Although I certainly have nothing against celebrating the Fourth of July, nor anything against officially sanctioned fireworks, I do sympathize with Vietnam veteran Tommy Giorgi, who, in Sarah Wolpoff’s insightful article in the June 28 issue, bemoans “the individual celebrations” in our backyards.

Letter: The Pride flag and the Bidens: a response

I thank Mr. Ceruzzi for saying I am a true patriot. That’s what I aspire to be.

Letter: Lafayette returns to the U.S. and Westchester

On July 13, 1824, the Marquis de Lafayette left France for the United States. He did so at the invitation of President James Monroe. Lafayette was the last living general from the American Revolution. His invitation came as veterans of the American Revolution were dying off, just as we recently …

Letter: Imagine the destruction of a children’s hospital

Imagine: Kyiv children’s hospital directly hit by a Russian missile.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Joe Biden was a wonderful President; sadly, he’s not up to the job anymore

So, how are you feeling since the end of the Biden-Trump debate on June 27?

Letter: Latimer thanks voters

I’d like to thank the Primary voters of Port Chester and Rye Brook for their large vote of confidence in the June primary for US Congress.

Letter: Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library: More than books and videos

You may have read about the growing popularity of a Library of Things.

Letter: On the Bidens and flags

I would like to opine on two questions this week.

Letter: Greenwich and Port Chester remember the Gulliver’s fire 50 years later

On Sunday, June 30, 2024, we gathered on the Greenwich-Port Chester border to remember the tragic fire that occurred at Gulliver's 50 years ago.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Mondaire Jones tries to avoid chaos while steering his political career

Less than an hour after the polls closed, the New York Times proclaimed: “Representative Jamaal Bowman of New York, one of Congress’s most outspoken progressives, suffered a stinging primary defeat on Tuesday, according to The Associated Press, brought down by a record-shattering onslaught from pro-Israel groups and a slate of …

Letter: Thanks for donations in daughter’s memory

My daughter, Clara Jones Navarro, an elementary teacher at the Thomas Edison School in Port Chester, dedicated with much love 25 years to her students and community. Unfortunately, on the 10th of September 2022, Clara passed away; however, she left us all with countless enriching moments that her family, colleagues …

Letter: We have only one flag

We are one country with one flag, Stars and Stripes, and that is what identifies us.

Letter: Reproductive choices should be a woman’s right

Everyone knows that abortion is a terrible choice that women sometimes have to make. Throughout history there have been attempts to make this practice illegal. All these laws have ever done is endanger women's lives, bring unwanted children into the world and hamper the medical profession from doing their job: …