Letter: Eminent domain has been misused in Port Chester

Eminent domain? Blight! These words leaped out as I reread the Westmore News of June 24.

Letter: Overturning Roe v. Wade is a step backward

The overturning of Roe v. Wade is a giant, horrifying step into the Dark Ages.

Letter: Independence Day in USA, independence war in Ukraine

It is the 4th of July week in the USA. Children are cheering to fireworks celebrating freedom and independence of the greatest country in the world.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: County Legislator Vedat Gashi sees Jamaal Bowman as ‘working against the interests of the 16th District’

It was the kind of New York Times story that in any other political year would have been the death knell of Jamaal Bowman’s hopes for re-election for Congress in our new 16th District, and a giant boost for Westchester County Legislator Vedat Gashi, a determined opponent of Bowman’s for …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Congressman Jamaal Bowman makes his case for re-election

Congressman Jamaal Bowman wanted to make a point. Several actually. And he wanted to make sure I heard every one of them. In detail. 

Walking with traffic in P.C.

We can all agree that development can lead to improvements if carried out well. Everyone wants Port Chester to be a vibrant place that people want to visit and move to; everyone wants our restaurants and small businesses downtown to flourish. But development is a process that requires a lot …

Finally, Roe vs Wade is overturned

What a great day for our country. Those abortion rights advocates who have helped to murder millions of innocent babies these past 50 years should be ashamed of themselves.

Not ‘politically correct,’ but effective

Jim Black’s opinion piece concerning gun violence in schools, printed in the June 10 issue of this paper, is right on the money, as unpopular as his recommendations may be in this ultra-liberal society of New York. 

Letter: A hotel is not needed on hospital property

The United Hospital site is coming up in village meetings again. A current proposal has 775 multi-family residential units, 200 age restricted units (that's easily 1,000 more toilets) as well as a 120-room hotel.

Letter: Village must protect tenants’ rights

With the expiration of pandemic-inspired eviction moratoria along with rapidly rising costs for fuel and building materials, many local landlords are scrambling to raise rents in the Village of Port Chester. This is their right, within reason, but their tenants also have rights. At the Board of Trustees meeting on …

Letter: Character of Main Street must be protected

Recently the Form Based Code (FBC) has been getting a lot of press. The FBC was passed in May 2020 without meaningful public discourse and during the height of the pandemic. Most of the recently approved projects have maximized their allowable size and occupancy as permitted by the FBC. 

Letter: Ukrainian war is reality, not a Hollywood movie

I am reading the news about Ukraine. That news which tells how French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi visited Irpen in Kyiv’s suburbs and were hit with the realization that the destruction and devastation brought by the “Russian world” are not some …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Some of you have the precious right to vote Aug. 23 in an historic Democratic primary

As residents and voting citizens of the now 16th Congressional District, we are on the cusp of a critically important election on Aug. 23.

Letter: Column ignored Riley’s history of injecting racism and transphobia into her writing

An entire month after the Blind Brook School Board election, Mrs. Naomi Schaefer Riley and Dick Hubert still seem to be under the impression that the public’s largest gripe with Riley is that we’re all somehow “triggered,” as they would say, with the idea that Blind Brook doesn’t read enough. 

Letter: Port Chester helping business groan

I am writing to alert you about a new policy for business owners in Port Chester that is not only unfair; it is likely illegal.