Letter: Port Chester needs Phil Dorazio

On Mar. 15, our Village has a chance for new beginnings. All seats on our Board of Trustees are up for election. We need to elect Trustees to our board who will represent all of us. We need Trustees who love Port Chester and all of the people who live …

Letter: Joan Grangenois-Thomas urges a vote for her and her running mates

My name is Joan Grangenois (gruh-zhen-wa)-Thomas, and I am running for re-election to the Village of Port Chester Board of Trustees. I’ve learned a lot in the three years since I was first elected. I will never profess to know everything—no one does. What I do know is that my …

Letter: Why Juliana Alzate is running for Port Chester Board of Trustees

I am running to serve on the Board of Trustees because I feel I am uniquely suited to build a bridge between parties and cultures. I am a Democrat running on the Republican line. I am Latina, brought to our country as a baby and proud to call Port Chester …

Letter: It is time for a Republican majority

Last week the Port Chester Board of Trustees had a workshop meeting open to the public for the “Redevelopment of United Hospital.” It was the next step in the process for our elected leaders to hear and discuss issues with the consultants hired by the Village. 

Letter: Joseph DeVita can help our hometown

My husband, Joseph DeVita, and I have been residents of Westchester County for the past 23 years. We have been living in Port Chester coming on eight years and prior to that lived in Rye. No matter where we lived, or where our children attended schools, we have always frequented …

Letter: Phil Dorazio knows what our Village needs

I am writing to extend my support for Phil Dorazio in his efforts to be elected to the Port Chester Board of Trustees. Phil Dorazio is a lifelong resident of our Village and owns and runs a business here. 

Letter: Republican candidates offer resources important to Port Chester Village Board

The role of the Republican Party in Port Chester under my stewardship as the chairman has been to promote good government, regulatory restraint and encourage high performance of our local elected leaders. We expect transparency in their decision-making process exercised with their deep concern for all the residents of the …

Letter: Port Chester can serve its residents better, says Trustee candidate Arianna Christopher

To those who don’t already know me, I’m not a politician. I have no party affiliation and had no intention of running for office until now. I am running for Port Chester Village Trustee because I believe this Village can do better at serving its residents. 

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: A student columnist exposes the hypocrisy of his college’s admissions ‘diversity’ policies

Here’s a story for every Port Chester or Blind Brook High School junior or senior (or their parents) who are wondering if, where, and when they might go to college and what kind of values they should look for at those institutions.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Reflections on this inflection point in history, from Port Chester, to Ukraine, to the NFL

When you’re living through a massive inflection point in national and world history, you may not fully appreciate it.

Letter: Protect Main Street, not developers

The Port Chester Main Street Association is opposed to large-scale development on Main Street. One letter-writer recently wondered why residents distrust the process of approving proposed developments. The reason is simple: We've been down this path before. 

Letter: DeVita: Motivations?

In the Jan. 21 edition of the Westmore News, Republican candidate for the Board of Trustees Joe DeVita was introduced to Port Chester. In that introduction he stated that until recently, he has “always been apolitical."

Letter: Infrastructure cannot handle all proposed new housing

The Planning Commission listing in the Westmore News for Jan. 18 had so many housing applications that I went online to find out exactly what was proposed. Hundreds of housing units are proposed just for the downtown area. The area bounded by South Main, Westchester and East Broadway-12 stories with …

Letter: The future of Port Chester

As Port Chester aims to improve the village, young people must step up to meet our dreams. Juliana Alzate, a lifelong resident of Port Chester and a graduate of Holy Rosary School and Port Chester High School, is preparing to "serve our community" running for a seat on the Board …

Letter: Dorazio announces his run for Port Chester Trustee

My name is Phil Dorazio, and I am running for the Board of Trustees in Port Chester. I am a hardworking, blue collar, lifelong resident of Port Chester. I am a homeowner and run a business in the village. My wife, son and I are all graduates of Port Chester …