Letter: DeVita announces candidacy for Port Chester Trustee

My name is Joe DeVita. My family and I have lived in the area for 24 years. We decided to move to Port Chester in 2014 when we realized how much time we spent in the Village enjoying all it has to offer.

Letter: Port Chester’s unique opportunity

I wanted to follow up on my husband’s letter to the editor of last week where he wished all the candidates for office well and encouraged the participants to wage a campaign that would make our community proud. 

From Our Editor: Happy birthday, Theo!

Our grandson, Theo Abel-Giorgi, turned one year old on 2/2/22, a palindrome which some, including me, say carries good luck, positivity and joy, while others say just the opposite. Either way, it is a day of strong energy. Theo, the son of Rebecca Abel and Joseph Giorgi, was treated to …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: ‘The Music Man’ touched my heart at a vulnerable time for our country

Here’s my COVID show business story, and I’m sticking to it. My wife and I bought two tickets to “The Music Man” in the Fall of 2019 in the hopes of seeing it in the Spring of 2020.

Letter: ‘Fact Sheet’ was not factual

The developer St. Katherine Group put a paid insert into last week’s paper called a “Development Fact Sheet,” but much of what was in that sheet was not factual.

Letter: Juliana Alzate announces candidacy for P.C. Trustee

I am honored to be nominated by the Republican Party and for trusting me to run for the position of Trustee of the Village of Port Chester. 

Letter: It’s all about neighborhood protection

Question: What is the single biggest threat facing the Village of Port Chester?

Letter: Ferrara not running for re-election

After two terms as one of your Port Chester Village Trustees, I have decided not to stand for re-election.

Letter: Smart development is exactly what Port Chester needs now!

Why as a village do we always seem to shoot ourselves in the foot? How many communities would balk at momentous new investment that will expand our tax base, bolster our economy, add new jobs, make our infrastructure greener, and revitalize our community?

Letter: PC’s unusual election: Can we create a respectful, much-needed community conversation?

Unlike most villages, Port Chester’s village board, the people who manage our community—police, fire, sanitation, parks and more—are up for re-election en masse. That is all six trustee posts are up for election at the same time on Mar. 15. Most villages stagger the election of municipal officials to provide …

Letter: John Allen announces run for Port Chester Trustee

I’m running for Port Chester Village Trustee in order to preserve the community’s character that my family fell in love with six and a half years ago when we moved to Port Chester. 

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Asking the toughest local question of all: What kind of Republican are you?

Depending on the community, this is the most delicate of questions. For sure the question is applicable to the upcoming Trustee election in Port Chester.

Letter: Hypocrite Democrats break election law, hold illegal caucus

Local Democrats held their caucus Tuesday evening in violation of NYS Election Law. They held it by Zoom, even though no law or gubernatorial executive order permits that. The executive order allowing last year’s caucus by videoconference has long expired. When the Republican Party held an in-person caucus last year, …

Letter: Alex Payan will not seek re-election

After speaking with my family and close friends, I made the difficult decision not to seek re-election as Port Chester Trustee and hope to have a better work-life balance. My commitment to serving the community will continue to stand through Port Chester Community Gardens, the Port Chester Mobile Pantry, or …

Letter: Grateful to have gotten one box of free COVID tests

Regarding the article in the Jan. 21, 2022 issue titled "Big demand for limited supply of free COVID-19 tests in Port Chester," I would like to make a correction. The article stated that "Every person to whom he (Mayor Marino) gave one box argued that they needed more even though …