Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Thoughts prompted while quarantined in a stateroom in the middle of the ocean

Nothing like being locked up in quarantine, but with internet access, on a ship (the Zuiderdam) far from land to have plenty of time to ponder the state of our society and that of world civilization.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Westmed Medical Group’s software problems continue to bedevil patients and their staff

On Nov. 25, 2021, I reported in this space on the software technical fiasco at Westmed, the huge medical group in our area which doubles as everything but a full-scale hospital.

Letter: More development won’t lower property taxes

It seems every week there is another pro-development Letter to the Editor—it’s almost like it is planned and organized. Each letter implies, but never proves, that somehow more development and more residences will lower property taxes. I noticed there are never ever any scientific studies to show how much your …

Letter: A warning about donating to Parkinson’s Foundation

A cousin of mine from another state died at age 80 June 30, 2021 from Parkinson’s disease. The children requested donations to Parkinson’s; we made a donation in her name. 

Letter: Grateful to Carver Center and CEO Anne Bradner

I am writing this letter to express my gratitude to the CEO of Port Chester’s Carver Center: Anne Bradner. Over the past two years, our communities have struggled immensely. Throughout this tough period, Carver Center has kept its doors open, supporting, feeding, clothing, and educating the people of Port Chester …

Letter: Port Chester: What kind of community are we? Where are we headed?

In the coming days, Port Chester’s political parties will select their candidates for the transformational March election where all six seats on the Port Chester village board will be filled. Clearly, over the next couple of months, we will be watching as the candidates frame the issues they see confronting …

Letter: Development should support itself just like everyone else must do

Frank Ferrara wrote a letter about the “benefits” the Industrial Development Agency (IDA) brings to Port Chester. The IDA gives mortgage tax exemptions, sales tax exemptions, and tax abatements to developments. His assessment of what the IDA is currently doing leaves many things out.

Letter: Columnist got it wrong about Jan. 6

Once again Dick Hubert proves himself to be the hack reporter that he was...and is. Not only that, he is a history ignoramus.

Letter: Port Chester Historical Society announces scholarship opportunity

The Port Chester Historical Society is once again pleased to announce a $500 scholarship opportunity for a Port Chester High School Class of 2022 graduating senior.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Omicron and me, and you, and just about everyone else

Have you gotten infected with COVID since the new Omicron variant started circulating? I ask because, well, misery loves company. And I’m in quarantine. With what I hope is a mild case.

Opinion: Balancing faith and politics: Ct. senator shares with Corpus Christi Holy Rosary School students

Have you ever had the chance to meet with someone important? Someone who works for the greater good? Well, at Corpus Christi Holy Rosary School (CCHRS) in Port Chester, students had the opportunity to meet with someone who does just that.

Letter: Tree trimming=tree destruction

Con Edison tree trimming on Lafayette Drive in Port Chester.

Letter: Please read and support local news outlets

In the Friday, Dec. 24, 2021 issue of the Westmore News, Dick Hubert, in his column, “Journalists Under Attack Worldwide,” referenced the need for more local reporters. As the Editor-in-Chief of FOCUS, Blind Brook High School’s newspaper, I wanted to thank Mr. Hubert for his recognition of the importance of …

Letter: December 24 letter writer didn’t have his facts straight

In the Dec. 24 issue of this paper, there was an opinion letter by Tony O’Callaghan in which I was accused of not being factual in my last letter regarding the 20-year PILOT program being given by the IDA to new developers coming into the Village of Port Chester.

Letter: IDA helps Port Chester realize the benefits of development

The Port Chester Industrial Development Agency (IDA) recently awarded financial benefits to the proposed downtown Tarry Lighthouse project, after holding a public hearing at which representatives of locally owned businesses came out to express their support, including The Kneaded Bread and The Capitol Theatre.