Dick Hubert’s Worldview: A retrospective on January 6; the one in 2021 and that in 2022

Jan. 6, 2021. One year ago. The date will be forever burned in my mind. Like 9/11. Dec. 7. 

A Brew Review: Port Chester’s new brewery is nothing to run and hide from

 As many millennials would similarly aver, I am a self-proclaimed amateur craft beer enthusiast. I love crafts—from the artful complexity of the brews, to the culture around the industry, to the political and social issues banter that undeniably peaks in all the best ways once you’re a few drinks deep. …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Journalists under attack worldwide

Among my Holiday Season gifts this year were contributions to ProPublica and the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). ProPublica is the non-profit donation-supported investigative news organization which does incredible work, especially in areas where local journalism is shorthanded or, in the worst case, non-existent.  

Letter: Just the facts

I started life in Port Chester living down the road from my good friend Joe Carvin and am thrilled to be back living in Port Chester down the road from him again. 

Letter: Praise for the P.C. Christmas Parade

On Sunday, Dec. 12, I had the pleasure of participating in the Port Chester Christmas Parade. It is very impressive how well organized this event is. I get to be the star of the show, but in all honesty, there must be a huge amount of work that goes into …

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: A potpourri of items to keep readers up to date

I have some catching up to do this week… If you’ve missed this, our State Senator, Shelley Mayer, abruptly exited her campaign for the Democratic nomination for attorney general. 

Letter: The Salvation Army is making a difference

The Salvation Army (TSA) in Port Chester served breakfast to more than 100 families. Volunteers spent their Thanksgiving morning at the Port Chester Salvation Army at 36 Bush Ave. preparing and serving up breakfast. 

Letter: IDA Board is robbing P.C. taxpayers

Last week we sadly remembered the attack on our naval forces at Pearl Harbor. Coincidently the Village of Port Chester was summarily torpedoed by Chairman Frank Ferrara and his IDA board. By granting a 20-year tax abatement to the developer of the old Tarry Market property, they are literally robbing …

Letter: The Larizzas offer thanks to all who made hoops tourney possible

We want to wholeheartedly thank the Port Chester High School Principal Mr. Luke Sotherden and staff, Mr. Joe Durney, the entire basketball team of coaches headed by Manny Martinez (Mr. Cafaldo, Mr. Davis, Mr. Cole), Mr. James Ryan AD, and an enormous thank you to Ms. Casey Sorbara, whose speech …

Letter: Building stability and comity in an uncertain VUCA world

VUCA is an acronym introduced by the U.S. Army War College to describe the more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous multilateral world resulting from the end of the Cold War. More frequent use and discussion of the term "VUCA" began in 2002 and derives from the acronym which stands for …

Letter: A patient’s view of Westmed

This is a truncated version of a letter I sent to Westmed in response to the column of Dick Hubert in your Nov. 26 issue. His column is a good summary of the scene at Westmed. The Athena health portal, “rolled out” on Nov. 15 or 16, performs unsatisfactorily.

Letter: Blind Brook voters should vote ‘yes’ on bond

I am a 20+ year resident and the parent of two children who have graduated from the Blind Brook Schools. I am writing today to encourage my neighbors to vote YES on the bond proposal to complete the Ridge Street Elementary School project.

Letter: Support the Blind Brook bond on Dec. 21

On Tuesday, Dec. 21, the residents of the Blind Brook School District will vote on a referendum to spend up to $6 million to complete the construction project at the BMP Ridge Street School. 

Letter: Former BOE president encourages YES vote at bond referendum

I am writing to encourage all Blind Brook residents to vote YES at the upcoming bond referendum on Dec. 21. Without the additional funds, the construction project at RSS will stand incomplete indefinitely. This is not good for our teachers and administrators, not good for our property values, and most …

Letter: Vote ‘yes’ on Blind Brook school bond

On Tuesday, Dec. 21, residents in the Blind Brook School District will be asked to vote for a $6 million bond for the ongoing construction project at the elementary school. As a resident of Rye Brook for 25 years and former school board president, I will be voting ‘yes’ for …