Letter: Yes to Russo and Burke; no to Ford

I believe that school parents are best suited to serve on the school board. While other residents may show interest and concern, it is parents who want the best education for their children and have the best connection to the schools their children attend every day. This year, three of …

Letter: Lou Russo fulfills his promise to do what’s best for students

Three years ago, Lou Russo promised that if elected, he would always do what was best for the students, and he has kept that promise. We have known Lou as a young boy on our street, watched him as he attended King Street School, Port Chester High School and college. …

Letter: On weed and Trumplicans

I must congratulate The New Guard on their intoxicating exhibition on both the science and art of drug use. Who knew you could earn a PhD in cannabis studies? It is a bit ironic how we proudly spent $80 million to renovate our schools labeled with “drug-free zone” signs, but …

Letter: Facts on Ford; support Russo and Burke

I read with interest the Apr. 22 issue of this paper with its introductory article on the various Port Chester Board of Education candidates. We entrust those who serve our Board of Education to oversee our $116M school budget, work closely and collaboratively with district administration to ensure the success …

Letter: Russo and Burke: two great ones for the P.C. Board of Education

It's always a pleasure to cast a vote for the Board of Election, although there aren't always two great candidates. However, this year, we have two that are perfect for the job.

Letter: Support for Ford and Cirulli

First of all, I’d like to address my support for George Ford. I’ve known George for a number of years and am aware of his character and positive in his work towards having sincere commitment to our community. He has accomplished so much in his participation, and his goals aren’t …

Letter: Ford is a true leader

While I have not known George Ford all my life, I can say that for the time I have known him he has made a significant impact. My first memory of George is hearing him speak at a Board of Education meeting, and of course, recognizing him as a "regular" …

Letter: We need board members who support all children

It is with great enthusiasm that I support Sharon Burke and Lou Russo for the Port Chester Board of Education. I first met Sharon Burke two years ago when my daughter Adrianna, who is now a senior in high school, and I traveled with her to Albany during NYS budget …

Letter: A pitch for George Ford

I moved to Port Chester 12 years ago. I met George Ford when he was my oldest son’s (now close to 10) Little League coach. In addition to watching George’s pitching prowess, I have also witnessed George’s heavy involvement in the community in general. Given his participation in everything from …

Letter: Russo and Burke will lead with intelligence and integrity

This is an incredibly exciting time for the students of Port Chester's schools, as well as our entire community. The influx of aid coinciding with the near completion of the construction projects has our district poised to flourish. Following years of underfunding, the year ahead is full of promise. It …

Letter: Vote George Ford to ensure a brighter future for P.C.

I would like to encourage Port Chester voters to vote in support of George Ford in the upcoming Board of Education election. George has proven time and again his commitment in advancing our community.

Letter: Where do the candidates stand on teaching Critical Race Theory?

Now that there are five candidates running for the Port Chester Board of Education, I would hope that each of these candidates will express their position on Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the 1619 Project. 

Letter: School board needs a breath of fresh air

Another year gone by, and a year many of us would like to forget, but we have to make a decision about the two school board seats that are up for grabs on May 18. We have a new superintendent and now we need two new people who will bring …

Letter: Richard Cirulli: born to run for the P.C. school board

I would like to share with the community my reasons for why we should vote for Richard Cirulli in this month’s school board election. Cirulli is a product of the Port Chester school system that has launched him on a successful professional career. He is a recently retired construction and …

Letter: Sharon Burke has plans to nurture all children

This is an exciting time in Port Chester and for our school district. As we transition out of the pandemic, we will have a new superintendent and will receive state and federal aid that will truly transform our schools. This is an incredible opportunity to shape our district's future in …