Dick Hubert’s Worldview How to change your voter registration for the 16th Cong. District Dem. Primary

In last week's column I suggested that readers who are registered independents, Republicans, or even Conservatives and want to have a say as to who our next Congressperson will be will have to change their registration by Feb. 14 to be eligible to vote in the Democratic primary June 25.

Letter: Dick Hubert column smacks of elitism

Thank you to columnist Dick Hubert for firming up my intention to vote for Jamaal Bowman in the upcoming Democratic primary in the 16th District.

Letter: Negatives to more development

I attended the meeting about the form-based code held at the Senior Center Jan. 10. Residents were very concerned about allowing tall buildings with little setbacks creating dark, foreboding canyons downtown. Other residents were concerned about how street plantings would create a gentler and more hospitable environment in the middle …

Letter: Mature shade trees should be planted on public property in Port Chester

The following is a rough summary of comments I made at the Form Based Code Committee meeting on Jan. 10.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: A Feb. 14 cutoff date for changing party affiliation: why do it now?

Here’s a heads-up warning for all of our readers who are registered Republicans, Conservatives, or independents. If you want to have a say as to who represents you in Congress in our 16th District, you have until Feb. 14 to formally change your registration to Democrat with the Westchester County …

Letter: Do we need digital technology and AI in schools?

As pointed out in the Dec. 8 issue of this paper, “artificial intelligence is here,” but are we supposed to be excited about this?

Letter: Red states and blue states: secession not the answer

Recent offerings on this page have painted a pretty sad portrait of what it’s like living in Westchester County, especially when compared to the utopia found down South.

Letter: In support of George Latimer

I am writing on behalf of County Executive George Latimer, candidate for the 16th Congressional District. I am honored and privileged to endorse and support my friend George on his journey to becoming our next Congressional representative.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Taylor Swift’s 2024 tour stops: visiting an ideal friendly world

Calling all pessimists: is there anything to look forward to in 2024? YES!

Letter: Bias in the media

What a pleasure it was to read Thomas Ceruzzi’s letter to the editor entitled “Let’s Break the United States into Two Separate Nations” in the Dec. 1 issue, a welcome change to the predominantly anti-conservative tone in the media:

Letter: The disastrous implication of Galit Sidelev's argument

In Galit Sidelev's letter to the editor titled "The rationality of terrorism" in the Dec. 22 issue of the Westmore News, Sidelev described the causes of terrorism.

Letter: Latimer is a friend to Port Chester

I am writing this letter in support of a man I am proud to call my friend, George Latimer.

Letter: Suggestions for Biden, Hochul and Schumer

With the new year here, people tend to make new year’s resolutions.

Letter: Form-Based Code Committee announces public listening session

The Form-Based Code Committee for CD5, CD6, CD6T is hosting a public listening session on Wednesday, Jan. 10 at 6 p.m. at the Port Chester Senior Center, 220 Grace Church St., Port Chester.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: The American media—seeking ‘just facts’ in a dangerous, polarized environment

We have a lot to be thankful for, and fearful of, this Holiday Season. That’s why I want to make the case that if it were not for the work of determined and committed “just the facts” journalists internationally, nationally, and locally, our gratitude, and our fears, would not be …