Letter: Change current board: elect Candelaria, Payan & Lagana

Rye Town Supervisor Gary Zuckerman has been in office too long. He has gotten complacent and forgotten his main responsibility as a public official is to safeguard the taxpayers’ hard-earned money.

Letter: Building a stronger community together: Endorsing Alex Payan for Rye Town Council

I want to take this written opportunity to give Alex Payan my endorsement for the Rye Town Council position.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: The need for inoculations—against COVID, flu and hate … everywhere

I have some thoughts on inoculations this week—against diseases of the body and mind and the body politic—domestic and international.

Letter: Port Chester and Rye Brook residents deserve much higher taxes!

Imagine your favorite morning spot, where for years their prices hovered around $2.50-$2.65 for coffee and a bagel. Then one day, under new management, the price ballooned to $37.19!

Letter: Alex Payan: The right choice for Rye Town

I’m writing to support Alex Payan for Rye Town Council. I have known Alex for several years now, and he has always been accessible and responsive. Whether by email or phone, I can always count on him to follow through any time I ask him for help or information.

Letter: What will be the next nation to be targeted by that clique of evil?

Simchat Torah on Oct. 7, 2023 will be one of the darkest days in modern Israeli history.

Letter: Views on the Senate, Israel and Iran

In a couple of weeks, we will be having Halloween; it was always my favorite holiday. Over the past years there have been many popular costume themes—Batman, Darth Vader and the usuals like skeletons and ghosts.

Letter: Why I’m backing Alex Payan in the Nov. 7 election

I have known Alex Payan for several years and I am writing this letter to give him my full support. Alex has been involved in many organizations assisting people in the community. He has always shown leadership and kindness when helping others and has proven to be reliable, trustworthy, and …

Letter: Jaffee cites her record and seeks reelection

I have had the pleasure of serving as a member of your Town of Rye Council for the past four years. I’m running this November for re-election on the Democratic ticket led by current Supervisor Gary Zuckerman.

Letter: Vote for Alex Payan on Nov. 7

At this time, I would like to praise Alex Payan for his bravery to serve in the community he contributes so much to. Mr. Payan is by far an outstanding citizen, a trustworthy colleague, and an endearing family man.

Letter: Strong reasons to support Alex Payan for Rye Town

We write to heartily endorse Alex Payan in the upcoming Rye Town election Tuesday, Nov. 7. Alex is exceptionally well-qualified to serve on the Rye Town Council. He boasts several advanced degrees and has extensive business marketing experience.

Letter: Alex Payan has the working class in mind

As a lifelong resident of Port Chester, I cannot recall a time when someone relatable ran for Rye Town office. By relatable, I mean a candidate who has the working middle class in mind.

Letter: Funeral homes are not set up for Natural Organic Reduction

How deceased bodies (remains) are cared for is one of the latest issues to be examined through an environmental lens. For example, last December New York State Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law legislation allowing “Natural Organic Reduction” (NOR) as a form of final disposition.

Letter: Former P.C. Trustee endorses Payan

Every time I reminisce about Port Chester political campaigns, it fills my head with a whirlwind of memories. I recall the days of talking with large and small groups while seeking their votes. Occasionally, certain individuals would come forward and offer their support.

Letter: Alex Payan will get things done on the Rye Town Council

It is with great pleasure that I recommend Alex Payan for Rye Town Council. I have known Alex personally and in a professional capacity for over 30 years. I have come to know him as an intelligent, analytical, and motivated individual.