Letter: We need George Latimer in Congress

I am one of independent mind and do not live in the 16th Congressional District. So, you ask, why am I writing?

Letter: Those flyers in the mail

Am I the only one in this ultra-liberal society of New York who sees through the deception and twisted language of the Democratic Party?

Letter: Don’t allow Planned Parenthood to set up a mobile unit in Rye Town

To say that the US is divided in 2024 is a drastic understatement, and Port Chester is no exception.

Letter: Visit the ‘Heroes Walkway’ on Memorial Day

Memorial Day is fast approaching. I am sure that plans are already being made for family get-togethers and all other things we like to do on a holiday. But there is so much more to think about on this particular day.

From our Assistant Editor: Go to the polls, and while you’re at it, vote ‘yes’ on the P.C. and B.B. budgets

We never thought we’d see the day when the Port Chester School District’s Board of Education election was uncontested. Though, perhaps it shouldn’t be so shocking.

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: Ukraine is struggling to stop a renewed Russian invasion

Let’s all turn our attention to Ukraine.

Letter: Views on Biden, Trump, Macron and Schumer

Every week I read the opinion section of the Westmore News. This week it was filled with redundant letters about people who are running uncontested for the Port Chester school board.

Letter: Correcting statement by Trustee Didden

Members of Sustainable Port Chester Alliance (SPCA) were surprised to learn that at the May 6 Port Chester Board of Trustees meeting, Trustee Bart Didden said that our Apr. 25 Workers Memorial Day Commemoration included an act of political favoritism regarding the upcoming Congressional primary race.

Letter: Please join us!

Everyone is invited to help us celebrate Port Chester's 156th birthday.

Letter: Article on SUNY Purchase protests was one-sided

As protests and encampments roil campuses around the country and the world, the news coverage of these events has at times been marked by bias and a lack of proper investigation and fact gathering.

Letter: How the West will be revived

Is democracy under attack? Is Donald Trump a fascist dictator? Has Joe Biden lost his marbles? Is Vladimir Putin going to conquer Europe? Will war in the Middle East expand? Or, will climate change take us out before someone can press the nuclear button?

Dick Hubert’s Worldview: France’s Macron speaks dark truths about Russia, Europe, and the West

Media exclusives aren’t usually front page news. But last week, at least in this country, TIME Magazine’s cover story interview with former President and current presumed 2024 Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump made headline news wherever I looked.

Letter: Dr. Ferrara will be a valuable asset to the Port Chester school board

From 1996 to 2011, I had the honor to serve as the principal of Thomas Edison Elementary School in Port Chester and the privilege of working closely with Dr. JoAnne Ferrara during her tenure as a professor in the Education Department at Manhattanville College.

Letter: A few minor corrections to last week’s tax receiver story

This letter is a rebuttal to the article in last week’s paper regarding the Receiver of Taxes for the Town of Rye.

Letter: Support JoAnne Ferrara for P.C. Board of Education

Port Chester has a tremendous opportunity to bring strong educational talent to its School Board with the election of Dr. JoAnne Ferrara.